


Handles a new user registration. Registration can be confirmed either with activation email. To have the action send a confirmation email - turn on the setting in Newzulu Platform application interface. All optional params can be set to required as well.

Requires a form token

Supports redirectUrl param of fm:Form component


<!-- Email confirmation example --> <fm:Form action="/action/v2/register" method="post"> <fm:Form_Email name="email" label="Username" required="1" checkUnique="1" /> <fm:Form_Password name="password" label="Password" required="1" /> <fm:Form_Custom><button type="submit">Register</button></fm:Form_Custom> </fm:Form> <!-- Captcha confirmation example --> <fm:Form action="/action/v2/register" method="post"> <fm:Form_Username name="user" label="Username" required="1" checkUnique="1" /> <fm:Form_Email name="email" label="Username" required="1" checkUnique="1" /> <fm:Form_Password name="password" label="Password" required="1" /> <fm:Form_Captcha label="Captcha" name="captcha" /> <fm:Form_Custom><button type="submit">Register</button></fm:Form_Custom> </fm:Form>

Supported params

Name Required Description
email Required Email address of the new user. Must be a valid email. Limited to 100 characters
user Username of the new user. Can only contain alphanumeric chars, underscore and dash. Must be between 6 and 40 characters long.
password Required Password of the new user. Must be between 6 and 40 characters long.
firstname First name of the new user. Must be alpha chars, limited to 40.
lastname Last name of the new user. Must be alpha chars, limited to 40.
address1 Address of the new user. Limited to 80 chars.
address2 Additional address space. Limited to 80 chars.
city City of the new user. Limited to 100 chars.
state State/Province of the new user. Must be a state or province code (2 chars)
country Country of the new user. Limited to 40 alpha chars.
postalcode Postal/Zip code of the new user. Limited to 10 chars, alphanumeric and space are allowed.
gender Gender of the new user. Valid values: "M" or "F"
birthdate Birth date of the new user. Must be a date format (YYYY-MM-DD). Use <fm:Form_Date> component to draw the select boxes
phone Phone number of the new user. Limited to 15 chars.
cellphone Cellphone number of the new user. Limited to 15 chars.
website Website of the new user. Must be a valid url. Limited to 100 chars.
occupation Occupation of the new user. Limited to 30 chars.
description Description (about me) of the new user. Limited to 65535 chars
groupids An array of groupids to add the user to eg. name="groupids[]"
eventids An array of eventids to add the user to eg. name="eventids[]"
redirectUrl URL To be used in registration e-mail.

See also