Unlink account

Unlink Account


This action unlinks a user's account from a third party login provider.
It does so by deleting the user's external id reference from our system, so this action can not be undone for the deleted reference.

In order to use this action, you must have `unlinkaccount` (and all its parameters) selected and saved in the `User Actions` tab of the applicationsettings page of your Project.

The third party login providers (possible values for `external_id_provider_name`) are:

  • Facebook
  • Sheridan
  • Sheridan Staff
  • Janrain
  • Gigya

The third party login sub-providers (possible values for `sub_provider_name`) are:

  • all - if you wish to delete all of the user's Janrain third party login sub-providers
  • Facebook
  • Yahoo
  • Twitter
  • Linkedin
  • Googleplus
  • Instagram
  • none - this has to be passed if you are deleting any third party login sub-provider other than Janrain; you can not omit this parameter or leave it as null

Example 1

Unlinks the a user's account from Facebook connect.

<fm:Form name="input" action="/action/v2/unlinkaccount" id="unlinkForm" method="POST" > <input type="hidden" name="vhost" value="{$selectedVHost}" /> <input type="hidden" name="uid" value="{$$user_id}" /> <input type="hidden" name="redirectUrl" value="/userprofile" /> <input type="hidden" name="external_id_provider_name" value="facebook" /> <input type="hidden" name="sub_provider_name" value="none" /> <input type="submit" value="Unlink Facebook Connect for the user" /> </fm:Form>

Example 2

Unlinks the user's account from ALL of its third party login references (since `external_id_provider_name` is not provided).

<a href="/action/v2/unlinkaccount?vhost={$selectedVHost}&uid={$$loggedinuser.id}&sub_provider_name=none&redirectUrl=/userprofile" target="_new"> Click to Unlink </a>

Supported Parameters

Name Required Description
vhostRequiredInteger up to 11 characters. The id of the application.
uidRequiredThe id of the user. Integer up to 11 characters.
redirectUrlRequired.The url to redirect the user to once the unlink action is complete. String up to 100 characters.
external_id_provider_nameOptional.The name of the third party login provider to be deleted.

*** NOTE *** If this is not provided, then all of the user's third party login references will be deleted.
A string up to 50 characters.
This are to be provided in lower case as follows:
  • facebook
  • sheridan
  • sheridanstaff
  • janrain
  • gigya
sub_provider_nameOptional.The name of the sub-provider to be deleted for the Janrain third party login.

*** NOTE 1 *** If this is set to `all`, then all of the user's Janrain login will be deleted.
*** NOTE 2 *** This has to be set to `none` if you are deleting a third party login other than Janrain.
String up to 50 characters.
This includes but are not limited to (and are to be provided in lower case as follows):
  • all - if you wish to delete all of the user's Janrain third party login sub-providers
  • facebook
  • yahoo
  • twitter
  • linkedin
  • googleplus
  • instagram
  • none - this has to be passed if you are deleting any third party login sub-provider other than Janrain; you can not omit this parameter or leave it as null

More Examples

Example 3

Unlinks the user's account from ALL Janrain's third party logins. To do this, you must set `sub_provider_name` to 'all'.

<fm:Form name="input" action="/action/v2/unlinkaccount" id="unlinkForm" method="POST" > <input type="hidden" name="vhost" value="{$selectedVHost}" /> <input type="hidden" name="uid" value="{$$user_id}" /> <input type="hidden" name="redirectUrl" value="/userprofile" /> <input type="hidden" name="external_id_provider_name" value="janrain" /> <input type="hidden" name="sub_provider_name" value="all" /> <input type="submit" value="Unlink ALL user's Janrain Connect references" /> </fm:Form>

Example 4

Unlinks the user's account from the Gigya sub_provider of Janrain's third party logins. To do this, you must set `sub_provider_name` to the appropriate value.

<fm:Form name="input" action="/action/v2/unlinkaccount" id="unlinkForm" method="POST" > <input type="hidden" name="vhost" value="{$selectedVHost}" /> <input type="hidden" name="uid" value="{$$user_id}" /> <input type="hidden" name="redirectUrl" value="/userprofile" /> <input type="hidden" name="external_id_provider_name" value="janrain" /> <input type="hidden" name="sub_provider_name" value="gigya" /> <input type="submit" value="Unlink user's Janrain's Gigya Connect reference" /> </fm:Form>