
The ChannelInfo component provides data about a channel in your application.

Example 1:

The following example shows the id, name, email and description of the channel.

<fm:ChannelInfo> <li> ID: {$$}, name: {$$}, emailaddress: {$$channel.emailaddress}, description: {$$channel.description}</li> </fm:ChannelInfo>

Supported Attributes

cidRequiredThe id of the channel.

Template Variables

channel.createdThe date and time the channel was created.
channel.delete_media_intervalThis setting works together with `channel.delete_media_moderationstatus` to delete media from the system forever, and does not set the media status to deleted.

This is the media auto-delete interval setting for the channel;
it is an integer with value signifying the days to keep the media in our system from time of upload before deleting them from the system forever.

30: means delete media 30 days after it has been uploaded
0 means do not delete media automatically, even if `channel.delete_media_moderationstatus` is set.

*** NOTE ***
The setting `channel.delete_media_moderationstatus` has to be set to a value greater than 0 for this function to work.
channel.delete_media_moderationstatusThis setting works together with `channel.delete_media_interval` to delete media from the system forever, and does not set the media status to deleted.

This is the media auto-delete moderationstatus setting for the channel;
it is an integer with the following possible values:
0: Do Not Delete Media Automatically (even if `delete_media_interval` is set)
1: Delete All Media Automatically, after the specified `delete_media_interval`
2: Delete Trashed Media Automatically, after the specified `delete_media_interval`
3: Delete Deleted Media Automatically, after the specified `delete_media_interval`
4: Delete Denied Media Automatically, after the specified `delete_media_interval`

*** NOTE ***
The setting `channel.delete_media_interval` has to be set to a value greater than 0 for this function to work.
channel.descriptionA natural-language description of the purpose of the channel. This is defined in the Media Factory.
channel.emailaddressThe email address used to email media into the channel. Note: A different email has to be used for each channel.
channel.idThe id of the channel.
channel.nameThe name of the channel.
channel.shortnameThe 'shortname', as defined in the Media Factory.
channel.statusThe status of the channel.
Possible values are 1 (active) and 7 (deleted).
channel.thumburlThe thumbnail URL of the channel logo.
channel.treeleftThe treeleft value of the grouptree for the channel.
channel.treerightThe treeright value of the grouptree for the channel.
channel.parentchannelID of the parent channel of this channel. If the given channel does not have a parent - 0 is returned
channel.visibilityThe visibility that has been set for the channel, "SHOWN" or "HIDDEN". Hiding a channel does not make the media within private, hidden or otherwise inaccessible.

See also