
Component description. Use paragraphs, punctuation and full sentences. Avoid bulletpoints.


<!-- Primary code example. This example should display the simplest use-case possible, but not simpler -->

Supported attributes

eventIdOptionalN/AThe event id to fetch information for

Optional notes about the supported attributes.

Template variables

event.idEvent id.
event.nameEvent name.
event.noteThe note field can be used to specify additional information about the event, generally this is only used within the mediafactory
event.logoThe logo is actually a media-id, use this in conjunction with the mediaviewers.
event.createdThe creation date in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
event.createdByThis is a user-id
event.memberCountThis variable contains the total number of event attendees
event.geo_longitudeThe longitude of the event.
event.geo_latitudeThe latitude of the event.
event.startDateThe startdate of the event in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
event.endDateThe enddate of the event in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
event.addressAddress of the event.
event.cityCity the event is in.
event.state2-letter state or province
event.country2-letter country code
event.otherJSJavascript object containing data from the "other" field.
event.custom1A string of custom text, maximum 32 characters long

Optional notes about supported template variables.

See also

  • List of related pages in the documentation here.

More examples

<!-- Complex code examples. Note that the goal is not to write an entire application here, instead it should focus on advanced usage patterns of the component. This section is optional-->