
This component can be used so you can conveniently include share buttons on other popular sites.

This component also automatically tracks clicks, and sends the information back to the Mediafactory for reporting.

Currently it supports creating share buttons for:


<fm:Sharelizer />

Supported attributes

hrefOptionalThe current urlUse this attribute to specify which url should be shared.
sitesOptionaldigg,facebook,delicious,twitterA comma-delimited list of sites which should show up here. By default all 4 will be displayed
templateOptional<li>%link</li>A template for the links. This is set to <li>%link</li> by default. The %link portion will automatically be replaced
themeOptionalsquareIcon theme. Currently supported themes are 'square' and 'round'

It should noted that the 'sites' attribute must not contain spaces. The template attribute must be html-encoded, for example: &lt;li&gt;%link&lt;li&gt;

More examples

<p>Share this site!</p> <ul> <fm:Sharelizer sites="digg,reddit" template="&lt;li&gt;%link&lt;/li&gt;" href="" /> </ul>

This would display something like:

Share this site!

  • Dig this!
  • Reddit