Email comment notification is a way to let a user know another user commented on his media.
The notification is off by default and must be enabled in New Spark Media Platform project settings. In order to enable comment notification, the email template must be created first. To create the template follow these steps:
Return to Project Settings page and select the template name from the Comment notification email dropdown. This will enable email notifications to be sent out to users when another user leaves a comment on their media item.
Hi {$firstname},
{$author} submitted a new comment on {$mediaTitle} at {$appInfoName}
{$appInfoName} Team.
To manage email notifications go to your profile:
Name | Description |
firstname | The first name of the recipient of the email. |
author | The author of the comment. |
parent_media_url | The url for the media. |
mediaTitle | The title of the media. |
comment | The comment posted for the media. |
appInfoMainDomain | The domain for the application. |
appInfoName | The name of the application. |