Upload text

Upload text


Uploads text as a media item. It is possible to add text item directly to a channel by specifying the channel id. Tagging is possible by specifying a comma separated string of tags.

Requires a form token

Requires a session token - the user must be logged in

Supports redirectUrl param of fm:Form component

All optional params can be set as required.


<fm:Form action="/action/v2/uploadtext" method="post" > <fm:Form_TextInput name="title" /> <fm:Form_TextArea name="message"></fm:Form_TextArea> <fm:Form_Custom><button type="submit">Add Text</button></fm:Form_Custom> </fm:Form>

Supported params

Name Required Description
message Required Newly added text, limited to 65000 chars.
channel Id of the channel to place the newly added text into. Must be numeric and be a valid channel id in the project in Newzulu Platform
tags Tags for the added text. String of comma separated tags, limited to 255 chars
title Title of the newly added text. String, limited to 80 chars

See also