


Records a user vote on a media items or a comment. The vote must be a number - either 0 for no or 1 for yes

Requires a form token

Requires a session token - the user must be logged in

Supports redirectUrl param of fm:Form component


<fm:Form action="/action/v2/vote" method="post" > <input type="hidden" name="mid" value="555888" /> <fm:Form_Select name="vote" value="0"> <fm:Form_Option value="0" label="Yes"> <fm:Form_Option value="1" label="No"> </fm:Form_Select> <fm:Form_Custom><button type="submit">Vote!</button></fm:Form_Custom> </fm:Form>

Supported params

Name Required Description
mid Required Id of the media being voted on. Must be a valid id in the project in Newzulu Platform
vote Required Vote to be recoreded. Must a number - either 0 or 1.

See also