Email templates

Email Templates

The email templates in our system are:

General Email:

  • email media - can be used to send an email to someone, or can be used to send a media link to someone.

Moderation Emails:

  • media approved - notifies users that their media has been approved
  • media denied - notifies users that their media has been denied
  • event moderation - notifies users that their events have been approved or denied
  • gamification email - notifies users that they have completed a gamification challenge and have reached a new level
  • group moderation - notifies users that their groups have been approved or denied
  • media added to group - notifies users that media has been uploaded to their group

User Account Emails:

  • activation - provides users with a link to complete their registration to a community
  • registration - provides confirmation to users that they have registered with a community
  • lostpassword - emails the user a link to reset their password

User Engagement Emails:

Media Emails:

See Also: