Email Activation

Activation Email

The Registration Process is set up in such a way that the user can receive 2 different emails:

  • Activation email:The activation email is sent to users to provide a link to complete the registration process
  • Registration email:Sent to the user to provide verification that the user's account has been registered - also known as a welcome or confirmation email

The user may receive either of these emails, both of the emails, or none at all, depending on the configuration of register and activateaccount in the Application Settings.

Configure action settings

  • From your application in New Spark Media Platform, select Settings
  • Click the User Actions tab
  • Under register/action/v2/register, check the box emailActivation
  • Save

Create the email template

  • Open the application in your project
  • Select Email Templates
  • Create a new email and fill in the following fields:
    • Template Name - set the Template Name to 'activation'.
    • Wrapper Template - set to 'text'
    • Subject - example: 'Please confirm your email address'
    • Sender - example: ''
  • Click Create
  • Enter the template contents (sample text email code is provided below)
  • Save the template

Supported Attributes

app_maindomain The domain of the project.
app_name The name of the project.
firstname The first name of the recipient of the email (the new user who is supposed to have his/her account activated).
lastname The last name of the recipient of the email (the new user who is supposed to have his/her account activated).
s A required encrypted value used to activate the recipient's account.
u A required encrypted value used to activate the recipient's account.
username The username of the of the recipient of the email.
user_id The id of the of the recipient of the email.
vhostname The domain of the vhost of the project.

Deprecated Attributes

secret An encrypted value used to activate the recipient's account.


<div style="text-align:left"> <p>Hello {$$firstname} {$$lastname},</p> <p>Thanks for registering with {$$app_name}.</p> <p>Please follow the link below to activate your account.</p> <p>{$$vhostname}/action/v2/activateaccount?s={$$s}&u={$$u}</p> <p>Regards,</p> <p>The {$$app_name} Team</p> </div>

See Also: