Email Deleted Email

Email Deleted Email

This is a system-triggered email and therefore does not need to be referenced by the action in the user Actions section of the Application Settings.
The content and variables for this email are not set in a template and therefore are not set by users.

To create the template follow these steps:

  • go to the application in your project
  • select Email Templates
  • create the desired email text/format
  • configure email options by clicking on the Info button and filling in the fields
  • save the template

Go to the communitygroupinfo page for the group and select the 'Delete Email' template name from the Email Template dropdown. This will enable emails to be sent out to users using that email template.

Supported Attributes

firstnameThe first name of the recipient of the email.
mediaIDThe id of the media that has been added.
groupIDThe id of the group that the media has been added to.
selectedProjectThe id of the project to which the media has been added.


<p>Hello {$firstname}, </p> <p> This is an email template that was deleted, so you shouldn't get this email. You might get a different email though. Media has been added to the group. mediaID: {$mediaID} groupID: {$groupID} selectedproject: {$selectedproject} </p>

See Also: